Dr Hyun Bang’s Personal Choices for
Stronger Enamel and Alkaline Mouth
Topical vitamin and mineral boost
CHARCOAL naturally removes toxins caused by inflammation
BENTONITE CLAY contains minerals that our enamel needs to be strong
The way I use it: mix all three or in twos, or rotate them one at a time.
Plant oils, herbs, mineral rich clays.
Charcoal, Black Seed Oil. Both proven to be effective against reducing symptoms of COVID.
Mineral rich clay, Calcium Phosphate - substance which makes up our Tooth Enamel.
ClayBrite Sensitive: non-irritating, very gentle, can add Diatomaceous earth for extra Silica, and place over teeth for overnight mineral treatment. Use papertowel over it (cut to fit) or a clear aligner tray over it to hold it in.
Facts to consider:
mouth is lined with mucosa. things absorb through the mucosa easier than skin.
commercial toothpastes contain chemicals which are chemically abrasive to the teeth and gums, and also can be toxic to the body, even carcinogenic.
charcoal is a mild abrasive and used consistently long term can be hard on the enamel, while being an excellent adsorbent of toxins, and have both oral and systemic benefits of detox.
charcoal can detox the environment it is in, therefore promoting alkalinity in the mouth.
bentonite clay has a remineralizing effect, due to a plethora of natural mineral content, along with benefits of oral and systemic detox.
bentonite clay can detox the environment it is in, therefore promoting alkalinity.
both charcoal and bentonite clay food grade can be ingested - they are known dietary supplements.
reading all ingredients in any product is key to avoiding harmful chemicals.
chemicals contained in non-natural commercial toothpastes should not be ingested and can be poisonous (it will also ask you to go to the poison center on the package if you do).
the harmful bacteria in the mouth will wear down the bone and gums. changing the oral environment to become less friendly to these bad pathogenic microorganisms is key to a healthy mouth and moreover body.
A few studies:
A study on charcoal infused toothbrush bristles reducing plaque more effectively.
This study shows charcoal does not cause surface roughness, but it should never be combined with regular commercial toothpastes (colgate, crest etc which already contain abrasive chemicals).
Detoxing the Mouth:
Charcoal can be abrasive if brushed with powder directly. Best to use a toothpaste formula with charcoal in it and alternate with non-charcoal pastes.
Preventive Method 1: use toothbrush to put a layer over your teeth gums tongue before bed time.
activated charcoal powder
claybrite sensitive paste
For drinking water with lemon, use of a straw can prevent sensitivity from erosion. Alkaline for the body, yet too frequent of direct contact with enamel can cause erosion.
Preventive Method 2: swish, gargle, spit. do not rinse and go to bed.
activated charcoal powder mixed in water
coconut oil
Allow the charcoal stay over affected area long enough for a deep detox.
Gum Infection Method 1: overnight poultice
cut out a rectangle or square piece of paper towel or gauze
add charcoal slurry (mix in water thick, can add coconut oil)
place over infected area over the teeth enough to cover over gums on both sides
tongue and cheek holds it in while sleeping
Keep by the sink and use it as an antimicrobial mouth rinse!
Gum Infection Method 2: coconut charcoal oregano oil pulling
4oz mason jar
3 tbsp coconut oil
3 tbsp charcoal powder
1-2drops Oregano Oil (pure, not w/ olive oil)
Mix all ingredients. Add more coconut oil if not mixing well. Can place mason jar in a little warm water to melt the contents of the jar.
Take a small amount to be able to swish the mouth. Do this nightly at least 1x/day. Or 2-3 times if infection is more severe.
Coconut or Hardwood Activated Charcoal is a digestive aid. It sticks to toxins and never lets it go. If ingested, it is helpful to detox the digestive system. It has been known to help with various digestive issues, and since the gut is the primary lymphatic organ of the body, it helps with sicknesses like colds, flus, and have been proven to be effective with controlling COVID induced cytokine storms.
Remineralizing the Enamel
Externally: poultice
Add food grade Diatomaceous earth to the Sensitive ClayBrite ToothPaste - ZionHealth
Place on cutouts of papertowel to fit over teeth - or a clear aligner tray if you have one from your dentist
Place over teeth
go to bed
Internally 1: juice
Use a slow masticating juicer
Juice vegetables only
kale, chard, spinach
romaine lettuce
lemon (without peel, if with peel, taste will be very strong)
piece of ginger
granny smith apple is ok to add to veges
drink 1 cup every few days or
drink 1/2-1cup daily
Internally 2: supplement
High quality organic non-gmo no chemical non-processed whole dietary supplementation
Gabe Arruda is one of my patients. He is an avid health evangelist and advocate. I verified radiographically that he reserved his cavities with a combination of whole dry powdered greens, along with oral rinses. All natural, nutrition value equivalent to 16oz of juice !! If it does not help your teeth, it will still have benefit of overall nutritional boost.
Non-addictive Pain relief
Reduce inflammation and gain pain relief together. Be kind to your kidneys and liver and the rest of your body with this non-toxic formula. Our patients with ‘tooth nerve’ pain has reported relief with this formula!
Reduce Inflammation with Coconut Oil
- take a small amount of organic coconut oil with a spoon
- place in the mouth, it will melt quick!
- swish for a whole minute
- spit excess
***Coconut oil is great for gut health and great source of special brain fat, called MCT (Medium-Chain Triglyceride), which digests in the gut and becomes brain fuel
More Anti-microbial Remedies:
External (in the mouth)
Oregano Oil + Water Rinse: 1-2drops in 12oz of water diluated/mixed well. Rinse and gargle as needed 15-30 seconds at a time and spit
Oregano Oil + Coconut Oil: 1 drop to 1-2 tablespoon or even less oregano if it is strong for some. Rinse for up to 60 minutes and spit
(alternatives if cannot find oregano oil are eucalyptus, clove, peppermint)
Internal (for consumption)
Raw Garlic crushed (chewed) + Echinacea Tincture few drops: taken together has a synergy of anti-microbial effect.
Charcoal + Ginger powder + 1 cup warm water: Mix and drink. OK to swish the mouth while drinking. Detoxes the gut and the mouth both increasing body’s immunity’s ability to control infection.
Turmeric + Coconut milk: anti-inflammatory drink
Internal Vitamin and Mineral boost
Topical application of paste or gel on the teeth is already a common practice by many. But internal mineral boost is not something that crosses the mind of most. Our teeth are not just hard objects but are vital structures with blood vessels supplying nutrition to it.
Put simply, the main four functions of the pulp are
1. formation of dentin
2. nutrition of the dentin
3. innervation of the tooth
4. defense of the tooth
…which functions to wash away toxins and bacteria.
This means with proper nutritional intake, our enamel can also be healthier. High calcium, silica, phosphorus and magnesium plant-based foods is most ideal to supply the minerals.
1. Chew
100 times each bite of food - maximize the absorption of whatever food you are already eating. Chewing is also crucial in the jaw and airway growth and development in children.
2. Juicing
add this to your meal once in a while, or daily, increasing nutritional value of total intake.
or try some of these other nutritional boosting methods
3. Soak and Sprout
remove lectins that interfere with digestion, and increase the vitamin and mineral density in your grains, nuts, seeds, pseudograins, legumes.
4. Go Whole Plant-based:
no processed, plant-based nutrition is more bio-friendly and readily absorbed by our bodies compared to animal-based.